Master of Science in Biblical Studies Degree

John Melvin University
Buy This Complete Module
Prerequisite: A recognized Bachelor’s Degree,
Degree is granted upon successful completion of 36 credit hours including Thesis
You will have the access to the following courses on buying the Complete Module:
- BITH502 - The Gospels/The Life of Christ
- BITH504 - Old Testament Theology I
- BITH505 - Old Testament Theology II
- BITH506 - Basic Hebrew
- BITH536 - Introduction to Missions
BITH551 Biblical Interpretation
BITH575 Comparative Religions
BITH576 Christian Ethics and Excellence
BITH599 Thesis (6 Credits)
CH630 Church History – From Pentecost to Reformation
CH631 CH631 The History of the Church Since the Reformation
OR Buy a Single Course Below
You will have the access to each course below for $375.00: